by n splendorr
April 12, 2021

literally everything is too complicated

you ever think about how we’re just some damn apes who don’t get to live in the trees or like enjoy very much of anything at all because nature fucked up and gave us swollen brains??? and then a series of jackasses suffering from Big Thought Syndrome invented shit like taxes and rent and assembly lines and now the vast majority of humans born live isolated lives of deprivation in white-walled boxes filled with whatever your equivalent of funko pops is? i know this is some basic college-ass reductive thinking but I read enough about david bowie last night to go from “damn what a life, I’m jealous” to “damn I wish I could get lost doing cocaine for a year in los angeles and still have the resources and support to have made a pretty decent album and then recover,” to “damn why are we doing any of this, human consciousness is a curse and I wish I was just a deer”

anyway, in summary!

born to forage
brain is a fuck

April 12, 2021

Iwata: “Earthbound brims with the spirit of experimentation that guided all of those who toiled over its design”

“The stuff of legend”, from Ask Iwata:

April 12, 2021

Iwata: “Seeing the people around me looking pleased is what keeps me going”

From Ask Iwata:

April 11, 2021


there’s so much anguish for just enough money to live. just enough money to live. just enough to not worry every night about it all vanishing, hint-of-almond stress with no reprieve. it’s sucked the pleasure out of so many things; drained the desire to have anything to say, and to find interesting ways to say it. people say, “sounds like you’re doing better!” when I say that I’ve been working, because working is well-being and if I can work at least I won’t be hungry, even if there’s no desire left for the food

(I’m “fine,” just thinking)

April 09, 2021

what a bad week!

oh well! I'm making it. somewhere, somehow, I will figure out how to live peacefully with myself

April 04, 2021

“Burn your dreams with insight”

“Fight the Darkness” by Ozma

Their album “Spending Time on the Borderline” is a long-time favorite. I regret not seeing them the one night Zach and I drove to Charlotte to get a couch from my aunt, and they happened to be playing that night. Too tired, I thought. I’ll catch them next time. I think that was their last tour? OOPS

I did see them at the Masquerade in Atlanta, I think twice? Fantastic band.

March 30, 2021


things come and go. there is no sense to it. i drifted widely over my life in memory today, so many beautiful and terrible and boring moments, all the heart and heat of youth giving way to the desolate atom of adulthood, the choosing to go on despite it all. and i do choose to go on. but i feel every lost connection as a former limb, and feel the inclination to walk on feet that aren’t there. i have loved and then disappointed some of the best people i’ve ever met. it scalds me to think of it. hiss and pull my hand away. it all hurts so much sometimes, the sense that nothing ever ended for any reason beyond my own inconsistency, my restlessness, my melancholy, my inability to be someone i could stand. i’m still trying. but it’s not easy to have to keep being this person, without so many of the things that made me someone worth being in the first place. memories aren’t a comfort. they’re a curse because i was always, always at fault, and i always thought i was giving it my best.

March 25, 2021

"or the chair, not sure"

butterfly boucher — soul back

she is so good! played all the instruments on this record, incredible voice, great songs. been a fan ever since I saw her open for the barenaked ladies in like 2003 or 2004, playing alone on a huge arena stage with just her guitar. music I've returned to at least every few months ever since. and all of her albums are great! including her more recent band, elle macho.

get you some butterfly!!!!

March 24, 2021

"searching for the right emoticon"

the japanese house — lilo

March 19, 2021

New album from Lo Talker, one of my favorite songwriters!!!

Formerly of Roadkill Ghost Choir, whose last album False Youth Etcetera became one of my favorites just after they stopped being a band. But several members have formed a new band, Lo Talker, and their new album is out! I think these folks write some of my favorite lyrics in a long time, mysterious and relatable and singable. Buy it if you can!