by n splendorr
December 18, 2020

I’m still soft, it’s still my time, still

Apparently I posted this same song with the same excerpt on May 6.

A lot has changed, a lot hasn't. I still like hearing this line.

December 17, 2020

"I just wanted to be someone"


one of the great bands who should have been way bigger than it seemed like they got to be

December 16, 2020

"make a different arrangement"

December 15, 2020

“The Case for Forcing a Floor Vote on Medicare for All”

Briahna Joy Gray, at Current Affairs:

Perhaps unsurprisingly, support for Medicare for All has reached historic highs during the pandemic. Even a Fox News exit poll showed that seventy-two percent of Americans support a single payer system, and impressively, about half of Republicans support Medicare for All. But importantly for the purposes of the Dore proposition, a whopping 88 percent of Democrats support the policy. A floor vote on Jayapal’s bill could capitalize on the public’s overwhelming approval for Medicare for All, and expose the chasm between the policies Democratic voters want and the positions their elected representatives are willing to take. It’s difficult to imagine a better historical context for this fight.

I wish they would!

Read the whole thing.

December 14, 2020

resentment of the beautiful

Do you ever find your disappointment in yourself, or the constraints of your physicality, whether we're talking about the particular biological form you are forced to manifest, or the tight geographic coordinates you were confined to even before you couldn't leave your house, if you have a house — your body, if you have a body — do you ever find this personal limitation and sometimes even disgust leads you toward a resentment of the beautiful?

I just looked at a series of photos of dirt roads leading through fog into the woods, something I know I may have found beautiful in the past, and resented its existence because of its inaccessibility. I wonder whether this feeling is common. Whether the punctured, sucker-paunch nastiness that permeates adulthood in The Land of Debris is in part an expression of this emotional poverty. Or whether I am prone to bouts of feelings for some reason rarer, which would be worse, for me.

I'm peaceful, maybe restless, and then I see a series of images, preceded by a longer series of images, my entire day a procession of pictures asking me to have some kind of feeling about them, and I am filled with insectful revulsion. The lives we are kept from living.

December 02, 2020

"the softest of water when it hits the night air"

Caroline Rose — To Die Today

This song is so laidback cool. I don't wanna die, today or anytime soon; but here's what she said in an interview about it:

I’ve heard that a near-death experience is extremely sensory, that it can feel like a warm wash come over you, the relief of leaving your body, or like you’re covered in light. I’d really rather not die any time soon but I would love to experience this.

"The relief of leaving your body" temporarily sounds great! Oh well! IN HERE FOR THE LONG HAUL BUDDY

December 01, 2020

waking up from a dream about people who don’t exist

why is remembering so common and so painful?

it’s impossible to summarize how difficult the last few years have been, and how much my mind traces unbidden my losses and failures, especially the people I’ve hurt by just not being enough of a person myself.

I’m here, and I’m somebody, but I’m not who anybody thought I was or wanted.

Not for lack of care!

and in my dreams I still have to be myself, and let down a parade of fabricated people night after night, and remember their faces alongside the real ones I’ve disappointed. It’s the worst!!!

December 01, 2020

"On a distant moon / with the perfect light"

November 29, 2020

"A Belief in Meritocracy Is Not Only False: It’s Bad for You"

From Clifton Mark, in Aeon:

Despite the moral assurance and personal flattery that meritocracy offers to the successful, it ought to be abandoned both as a belief about how the world works and as a general social ideal. It’s false, and believing in it encourages selfishness, discrimination and indifference to the plight of the unfortunate.

As with any ideology, part of its draw is that it justifies the status quo, explaining why people belong where they happen to be in the social order. It is a well-established psychological principle that people prefer to believe that the world is just.

November 28, 2020

"thank fucking god"