Five Iron Frenzy — While Supplies Last

Look...... I just really like it when people go after conservative christians, especially from within the faith! 🤷‍♀️

Did you waste your prayers protecting snipers
While you hoarded all the Lysol and diapers?
Save some profits for your cadre of vipers
Because your God only favors survivors
If you vote to stop abortions
Damn the pregnant girls and orphans
Blame your decline on the LGBTQ
Offer platitudes not portions
Then your rancor is your fortune
And your poison is what’s poisoning you

You said “we all deserve this”
For not forcing kids to pray-
While your party loots the earth
And you tell us “Jesus saves”
You’re ignoring half the gospel
Wearing clothing made by slaves
You never “rendered unto Caesar”
Now you, now you fear the fever
Fear the bottom dropping out of your stocks-
You voted for the devil
Let that narcissist embezzle
Put the hen-house in the mouth of the fox

like.... yeah, dude. it's all bullshit, but just let 'em have it!!!!!!!