ani difranco rules
I'm on some 2004 shit tonight
ani difranco rules
I'm on some 2004 shit tonight
ben folds five — regrets
every time the drums crash in on the pink floyd coda to this song, I have to close my head and nod along for a few beats
I'm not feeling depressed tonight but you bet your ass I've been depressed to this song about 700 times since the year 2000!!!!!
ben folds five — don't change your plans
what a spooky album, but lovely in its disembodied shudders, oohs, and horns
"in fact, I never understand these things I feel"
another album I like more each time I come back to it.
"nothing feels good; it's not right!"
it feels really good to be coordinating multiple people's work, including several parallel feature branches of my own, and having it work!!! (knock on version-controlled wood)
(this repo has 2,353 commits so far, jfc)
fork app has the best visualizer, built-in conflict resolution / diff view, and workflow of any gui I've used! get it if you need one!
jk just some cool stop-motion commercials with behind the scenes footage
dang I love stop motion! I gotta watch kubo again!!!
silly video. great song.
but seriously
mae — anything
still surfacing and sticking in my head after 15 years
So cute, so funny, and the animation is fantastic! GOOD JOB