New story from one of my all-time favorite authors! YEAH HE DOES GRAPHICAL STUFF; THAT DOESN'T MEAN HIS STORIES ARE "JUST GIMMICKS". The Familiar is deeply beautiful, and I still have detailed plans to write a hell of a thing about the relationship between House of Leaves and Only Revolutions because these stories have had a tremendous effect on me over the last almost-twenty years! I always feel defensive about this but I refuse to be defensive! Even though I'm still being defensive! They rule!
At the start of this year, I wrote a short story called “There’s a Place for You.” I designed it for The New Yorker. The New Yorker passed. As I’m now in the midst of a new novel, rather than redesign the story for another publication — something I’m not entirely convinced is possible — I’ve decided to release it online.
So here’s that New Yorker story you’ll never read in The New Yorker.
Find your columns, grow your hair, the light you sought was never in your eyes.
Tear your temples down.
And if you've read House of Leaves but missed the very interesting teleplays from last year, get those, too!