I just listened to an hour and twenty minutes of the Abnormal Mapping episode about Super Mario RPG — with 20 minutes remaining — and grew very frustrated!! It’s not sufficient that you simply recap a play experience and say the sorts of things that anyone would say about it. I was carried through on shared reminiscence, and then I was frustrated by the lack of even an attempt at a perspective or new reading of any ingredient of the game. I do not want to listen to a laundry list of things that happen in a media object, without adding anything substantial. Lord! And if you are gonna do that, at least edit it down at all, to remove the parts where you literally had nothing to say!

On the other hand, I recognize that I’ve grown moody about podcasts as I have about music; having done it, and learned to do it pretty well, and then having lost the context in which it worked, I resent the people who keep doing something even though they are mediocre at it, and even attract a paid following. That’s my
problem, and between me and my depression. But every time I’ve tried listening to Abnormal Mapping, because someone else brings it up, I get so bored.

Say! Something! Please! And thank you.